Mowmie is a green-haired alien girl – seemingly young – of indeterminate species or origin.
Very little is known about her, but Kinoko runs into her frequently on his travels around the Milky Way Galaxy. She’s very shy, and, being also very guarded, she finds Kinoko’s curiosity annoying, telling him virtually nothing about herself. Although she chooses not to reveal it, her steely cold exterior seems to obscure something far deeper buried within. She’s shown glimpses of some strange power like none that Kinoko has ever seen before – but what could she be hiding, and why?
Both starsprites and voidwraiths alike seem mysteriously drawn to her.
Skills and abilities
Although she does not demonstrate them often, Mowmie appears to have a selection of gifts at her disposal, possibly magical in nature. She’s not fast, per se, yet she seems to have an uncanny ability to vanish without a trace. Where she goes is unclear, but it’s as if one minute she’s standing there, and the next minute she’s just… gone. She can also conjure up blinding balls of light, dazing her would-be attackers or warding them off in self-defence.
Mowmie also has quite the gift for playing the violin, her favourite instrument.