
Rotation period: Unknown
Orbital period: Unknown
Entity type: Planet
Class: Terrestrial

Torrna is a planet in the Milky Way Galaxy.

A world of eternal, unrelenting war, Torrna has been blighted since time immemorial with deadly political tensions and cataclysmic infighting between the planet’s numerous species and factions. All the planet’s remaining species – both sentient and insentient – have evolved for battle and the survival of Torrna’s harsh, toxic conditions, and their prime instinct is to fight.

Torrna is an excruciatingly hot, dry place. The vast majority of the planet’s surface water has long since dried up, leaving only small inland seas polluted by toxic waste, rendering it all but inhospitable to non-native lifeforms, who have been forced to depend on advanced moisture farms for their survival. Torrna is highly volcanic, and the deep trenches that were once its oceans are now filled with flowing magma. Its atmosphere is incredibly thick and hazardous, severely limiting visibility and making the world incredibly dangerous (not to mention unbreathable) for ill-equipped outsiders.

The wildlife of Torrna is well-known for its ferocity. Gigantic worms and crustaceans with powerful steel pincers and hides dig deep below the surface only to burst out and feed on unsuspecting soldiers and villagers, leaving scenes of mass destruction in their wake, whilst the duneracers – fearsome reptilian scavengers resembling great hulking wolves – roam the land, picking off wanderers who stray into the smog and feeding on the dead.

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