Blog: January 2023

Rescuing kuparkukes Published by James on 30/01/2023

Since our last blog post two weeks ago, we’ve dedicated some time to thinking about what exactly it is we’re making. We’ve always known that we’re developing a 2D platforming game featuring Kinoko the kuparkuke, but what exactly will Kinoko be doing in this game?

Designing an interface Published by James on 16/01/2023

After completing the basic elements of our Kinoko game’s platforming last weekend, I decided that it’d be best to focus my efforts next on something a little less exciting, but still extremely important for a functioning, playable game: saving and loading!

Phase one complete Published by James on 08/01/2023

At the very end of last year, we stated that our primary objective for 2023 would be to focus on prototyping our 2D platforming game. Now that we’re done with the first ‘phase’ of prototyping – and since the first full week of 2023 is now behind us – it’s the perfect time for a development update!

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