Welcome (back?) to the Kinoko and the Cult of Galaxy website!

If you’re a returning visitor, you’ve likely noticed already that our website’s had a total makeover. I started work on this version shortly after the launch of the previous one, since from a technical perspective it’s a lot better, and I think it looks a lot better too. I’d planned to keep the old one up and running on a separate subdomain, so we could keep the old biographies and comics online until we were ready to replace them here, but unfortunately I ran into technical issues and it was easier just to kill it.

That does mean we’ve lost a bit of content, but if we’re being honest that content was all a bit rubbish anyway, with many unfinished biographies and species/worlds without any details at all. This time around, we’re going to take our time with our content, and not put anything online until it’s sufficiently detailed. Rest assured, we’ll be working our way through all our characters, species, worlds, organisations and more, and pretty soon our website will be full again!

Anyway, I just wanted to use this opportunity today to announce that our YouTube channel is now completely open to the public. I’d been using it already for the past several months to post all the unlisted videos for our blog, just because YouTube’s such a convenient service for free video hosting, but now I’ve made all our content public. In addition to this, all new videos going forward will also be public, making YouTube a great place to follow the development of our Kinoko and the Cult of Galaxy game.

There’s not a whole lot to see on our channel at the moment – it’s all just short clips, most of them without any sound even – but I’d definitely like to start doing more with it. I really want to start doing proper video logs in the near future. Maybe that’s something I can look into doing after we’ve moved into our new house (which is hopefully happening soon, now we’re coming to the end of that long process!) and I can invest in some basic equipment.

Anyway, if you want to keep on top of all the latest game previews and development progress, then please do subscribe to our YouTube channel.


As I said, we’re definitely looking to use this more now that we’ve launched it formally, and I’m particularly eager to try out some longer-form videos where perhaps I can talk over the latest changes and introduce our new mechanics, so, even if our content on YouTube is slim pickings right now, it can only get better from this point forward!

(And if you haven’t already noticed, we’ve now a brand new links page where you can find all the other site’s we’re on.)